Red Teaming or a Red Team refers to a group of cybersecurity professionals who simulate real cyberattacks to test an organization’s security defenses, its detection capabilities, and response to incidents.

Red Teaming exercises have evolved to incorporate sophisticated Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) used by real cyber threats. These exercises include advanced adversary emulation, threat intelligence integration, and scenario-based simulations to effectively evaluate an organization’s defense capability against cyber threats.

Booming Service

This specialized cybersecurity service is currently required by the DORA regulation that affects financial entities. In Europe, the most well-known framework for carrying out these exercises is TIBER-EU, which models how the Red Team should be carried out and the relationship between the client and the provider.

Examples of Objectives

The objectives of the Red Team should be selected by mutual agreement with the client, evaluating both the weaknesses and strengths of their security team, as well as the information or systems considered critical. Milestones could be:

  • Steal certain information.
  • Access a sensitive network or system.
  • Maintain remote access stealthily.

This exercise should help the client’s cybersecurity team improve their detection and response systems.