Privacy Policy

The User is informed that mere access and browsing of this Website does not imply that data that allows them to be identified in a nominative, specific, or exact way are automatically recorded. However, the Owner of the Website does collect certain information, which is recorded in their systems, in order to improve the User’s navigation and the management of the website. By way of illustration, the information that the Owner collects and records in their system is: (i) the IP address from which the website is accessed, (ii) the browser used to access the Website, or (iii) the operating system used.

I. Data Controller

Owner: Flameera SL
Tax Identification Number (NIF): B70743612
Registered Office: Calle Maldonado 28, Entreplanta Izquierda (28006) Madrid, Spain
Contact Email: [email protected]

II. Purpose of Processing

The data provided by the User will be used by Flameera for the purpose of managing requests for information and contracting of services requested by the User, as well as for improving the management and security of the Website. Likewise, the data will also be used to inform users about current cybersecurity topics through publications, organization of conferences, or other initiatives carried out by Flameera.

III. Legitimation for Data Processing, Conservation, and Confidentiality

The legal basis for the processing of the User’s data will be the User’s own voluntary access and navigation to the Website, requests for information about content or services made through the various means made available to the User (for example, via form or email), the contracting of the services offered by the owner and/or the fulfillment of the legal duties to which Flameera is subject.

The data will be kept as long as there are contractual obligations derived from the information or services requested by the Users and, subsequently, until the extinction of any legal or contractual responsibilities that require their conservation in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights.

The User’s data collected by the Owner are confidential and will not be transferred to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation.

IV. User Rights

The User may exercise, when necessary, their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing, portability, and opposition recognized in articles 12 to 18 and concordant of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights.

The User may assert their rights through a written document, accompanied by a copy of an official document that identifies them, addressed to Flameera, Address (Postal Code) Madrid, or to the email address [email protected]. Likewise, they can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Cookies Policy

Version: March 2024.

What is a cookie? “Cookies” are alphanumeric identifiers that are sent and installed on the user’s device, through their web browser, in order to collect certain anonymous information for various purposes.

There are cookies that are sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided, which are called “own cookies”, and others that are sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies, which are called “third-party cookies”. In the case that cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself, but the information collected through this is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered as own cookies, but as third-party cookies.

In turn, cookies can be deleted or canceled automatically when you finish browsing the web, which are called “session cookies”, or they can remain installed on your computer for a certain time, the latter being known as “persistent cookies”.

Cookies can also be classified depending on whether it is necessary to obtain the user’s consent for their installation and to inform them, which we will call “exempt cookies” and “non-exempt cookies”. The former are those that are strictly necessary to provide a service expressly requested by the user or to allow communication between the user’s equipment and the network. If the purpose of the cookie is different from these, then it will be a non-exempt cookie.

The non-exempt cookies that we use are related to tools for statistical analysis, specifically we use the following:

Google Analytics, a web analytics tool from the company Google, Inc (hereinafter “Google”) that offers concentrated information on the traffic of visits that arrive at the Website according to the audience, acquisition, behavior, and conversions that are made on it. Through Google Analytics, the Owner analyzes the User’s interaction with the Website, tracking their browsing habits and collecting data on their activity so that the owner can measure its performance.

Cloudflare Web Analytics, which does not use any client-side state, such as cookies or localStorage, to collect usage metrics. We also do not store “fingerprints” of individuals through their IP address, user agent strings, or any other data for the purpose of generating analysis.

Specifically, the cookies used on this website are as follows:

The information about the cookies used on this Website can be found below:



cf_clearanceTechnical30 minutesAnti-bot security measure. It is used to not load a captcha again and overload the browser and save the state of the challenge overcome, without this cookie it is not possible to access the page.


Flameera does not use any cookies for advertising purposes.


Flameera does not use any data analytics cookies.


Flameera does not use any other types of cookies.

This page is set up so that you can accept or configure its installation, by pressing the buttons provided in the information band that appears when you enter the page. If you accept its installation, in addition to the ones listed, another cookie will be installed on your computer, the purpose of which is to remember that the installation has been authorized, so that the request for consent does not reappear on your screen. This specific cookie will remain stored on your device for a certain period of time to remember your choice. After this period, the request for consent will reappear on your screen when you re-enter our page. The same will happen if at any time you decide to delete the cookies stored on your device.

You should bear in mind that once you have accepted the Google Analytics cookies, if you want to uninstall them at a later time, you will have to do so through the settings of the browser or browsers you use.

Regardless of the above, you can configure the browsers you use to reject or accept cookies (all or individually), or for their automatic deletion when you close them. You can access how to configure cookies in the main browsers from the following links:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:

Microsoft Edge:

Microsoft Explorer:



If you use more than one browser, remember that you will need to configure each one of them.

Also, you can get information on how to block Google Analytics analytical cookies by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on at the following link:

Additionally, the user can access the profiles of the owner of the page on our social networks, as well as share the articles we publish on them, by clicking on the icons of these networks located at the top right of the web and at the foot of each entry or article, which will imply in its case the acceptance of the cookies of these social networks, according to their own privacy conditions and use of cookies, and should consult the policies provided by the owners of these social networks.