
A Race Against Time

Every day the number of new security vulnerabilities continues to grow, tens of thousands of vulnerabilities have been published in recent years, which are used by criminals.

Criminals are increasingly shortening the time they need to attack with newly published vulnerabilities, achieving it in an average of just 12 days.

As soon as a new vulnerability is published, they update their tools and scour the Internet for vulnerable systems to attack.

Once they find a victim, the attack begins.


Up to Date with Rules

By performing continuous analysis, you will demonstrate to your customers and potential investors that your systems are free of vulnerabilities, making your company much more attractive.

Likewise, it helps you stay up to date with the legal and regulatory requirements that may affect you, such as:

  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • The National Security Scheme (ENS).
  • Standards such as ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, SOC2, DORA, etc.

Once a year is not enough

Dozens of new vulnerabilities are found every day.

If you are already performing vulnerability analysis, you are on the right track. But doing it once means not checking if you are affected by thousands of new vulnerabilities each year.


Your security always up to date

We offer continuous monitoring of your technological environment. This allows you to detect and fix faults quickly, thus closing the doors to possible threats before they can cause an incident.

In addition, you will have the ability to perform unlimited scans and schedule them according to your needs, even on a daily basis.


Analyze all your assets

The chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Scan all your systems, whether internal or external, and quickly detect faults throughout your entire infrastructure.

  • Analyze your entire exposure surface on the Internet or your internal systems.
  • Scan different types of assets, such as servers, workstations, Web applications, APIs, Cloud resources, etc.
  • Take advantage of Cloud Integration for the detection of new assets (AWS, Azure, GCP), helping to reduce Shadow IT.
  • Detect high-impact emerging threats.

Track and Get Measurable Results

Thanks to our platform, you can know the security of your company at a glance.

  • Access a centralized dashboard, where you can consult the company’s status and its historical values in real time.

  • Receive a security score in real time.

  • Get results prioritized based on business risk.

  • Receive remediation advice for detected failures.

  • You can configure notifications of detected vulnerabilities.

  • You can export the results to PDF at any time.

Boost your security

Every day new threats impact businesses.

We act quickly to detect your vulnerabilities, we protect your assets constantly, and we ensure that you can build without limits.


Continuous Security

We take the Assumed Breach model as a reference and establish the necessary measures to monitor the company continuously.

Meanwhile, we perform constant and controlled attacks to quickly find your weaknesses, thus protecting you before a threat actor can harm you.

In minutes, we help you detect passwords that are insecure, raising employee awareness and strengthening your first line of defense.

And if you build applications, services, or platforms: design, develop, and deploy software that is secure, resistant to attacks, and at the pace that the company needs.

Be part of the solution. Stand out from your competitors!

Frequently Asked Questions

It is a process mostly performed using automated tools, such as Nessus.

These tools are capable of quickly analyzing the software and configuration present in a system to detect known flaws. Generally, they are useful for finding basic flaws in numerous systems at once.

A vulnerability scanner allows you to quickly find security flaws in the scanned systems.

By simulating the behavior of an attacker, it is able to identify outdated software, configuration errors, software with known vulnerabilities, and many other weaknesses.

The cost of a vulnerability analysis service depends on multiple factors:

  • The number of assets to be analyzed.
  • The type of service: external scan, internal, authenticated or unauthenticated.
  • Type of assets: IPs, web services, and APIs.