
First Line of Defense

Passwords allow us to identify ourselves within the company, and for this reason, they are one of the main protection mechanisms. An insecure password is all an attacker needs, which is why they are one of the most attacked elements by criminals.

Every time an attacker manages to obtain users and passwords from an organization, criminals create password lists that are sold or directly published on the Internet. This behavior puts millions of users at risk, who could be affected by crimes such as bank theft, identity theft, or other types of fraud.

Do you believe your passwords are secure?


Attacks Against Passwords

Through password cracking, an attacker tries to find valid passwords of a computer system. There are many ways to attack passwords, but some of the most common are:

  • Testing all existing passwords using Brute Force.
  • Resorting to previously generated Dictionaries to try to find valid passwords.
  • Using a credential on multiple systems at once, using Password Spraying techniques in search of systems that are using common passwords.

Fight Against Weak Passwords

Many companies establish seemingly secure password policies, but they allow users to use weak passwords. We analyze your passwords in minutes to detect those that pose a risk to your business, before a criminal can discover them.

Our team of experts has advanced equipment and technologies capable of constantly evaluating the security of your passwords. We will directly attack your passwords with different techniques and procedures, such as brute force attacks or the use of dictionaries.

Thanks to this service, you can constantly identify the weakest access points, correct them, and ensure that appropriate access policies are maintained. Our approach to this service includes:

  • Identification and Reporting of as many insecure passwords as are found.
  • Recommendation of new practices for the security of your passwords, including the drafting of new policies that strengthen your security posture.

Avoid security breaches and educate employees.


Continuous and In-depth Evaluation

Passwords and their use vary over time. Depending on the size of the company and the rate of new user onboarding, password changes that occur in your environment increase the risk of new weak passwords appearing.

In addition, each time a password leak occurs, attackers take advantage to carry out new brute force and password spraying attacks.

For this reason, our systems will evaluate your passwords periodically and over time.

Boost Your Security

Every day new threats impact businesses.

We act quickly to detect your vulnerabilities, we protect your assets constantly, and we ensure that you can build without limits.


Continuous Security

We take the Assumed Breach model as a reference and establish the necessary measures to monitor the company continuously.

Meanwhile, we perform constant and controlled attacks to quickly find your weaknesses, thus protecting you before a threat actor can harm you.

In minutes, we help you detect passwords that are insecure, raising employee awareness and strengthening your first line of defense.

And if you build applications, services, or platforms: design, develop, and deploy software that is secure, resistant to attacks, and at the pace that the company needs.

Be part of the solution. Stand out from your competitors!

Frequently Asked Questions

A password is considered secure if it meets at least the following rules:

  • 20 characters or more.
  • No repeated characters.
  • No sequences of consecutive numbers or letters.
  • It is a unique password that has not been used before.
  • Combines lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and special characters.
  • Words or phrases that could not appear in a dictionary.

You should only change your password if you suspect it has been compromised.

Some company policies ask employees to regularly change their passwords. Contrary to what it may seem, these policies are not recommended because by forcing users to regularly change their passwords, they often choose simpler and easier to guess combinations than before.

The strength of password combinations depends on several factors. To maximize your level of security, avoid using sequential numbers or letters, data about your life that are easy to remember, and any word that could appear in a dictionary.

Instead, create a passphrase of at least twenty characters that includes: letters, numbers, and symbols. Make use of two-factor authentication (2FA) mechanisms.

The security of passwords has always been directly affected by different situations, among which are:

  1. The current computing capacity, which allows massive testing.
  2. The lack of secure password policies, or the presence of policies that inadvertently allow the use of weak or predictable passwords.
  3. The reuse of passwords by users, which greatly increases the risk of password compromise, and possible affectation due to third-party leaks.
  4. The insecure storage of passwords, which allows attackers unauthorized access.

All these elements make it vitally important to evaluate the security of your passwords periodically to secure your environments.